Monday, January 12, 2009

Endometriosis and Vitamin B5

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. As we know, nutritional supplements play a very important role in some culture in treating all kind of diseases. In this article, we will discuss how Vitamin B5 helps to treat endometriosis.

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I. Definition
Vitamin B5 is also known as pantothenic acid. It plays an important role in the forming of co-enzyme A and is critical in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fat. Vitamin B5 has a chemical structure formula of C9H17NO5.

II. How vitamin B5 helps in treating endometriosis
Most women with endometriosis were found to have low levels of vitamin B5 during the menstrual cycle for what ever reason. Without enough vitamin B5 in a woman's body, it causes:
1. A weakened immune system
Since vitamin B5 is necessary in the metabolism of carbohydrates, it helps to generate energy for our body's cells. Without enough levels of vitamin B5, our body's immune system is weakened and is dangerous for the forming of free radicals and cell abnormalities.

2. Poor circulation
Our liver is the first line of defense by secreting bile into the digestive system to produce good cholesterol, which helps to inhibit the bad cholesterol in the arteries. Without enough vitamin B5, bad cholesterol is left unchecked causing difficulty for blood circulation.

3. Increased risk of over-active uterine muscles
Liver helps in metabolism of fat. Without enough vitamin B5, it causes hormone imbalance in the prostaglandins family leading to over-reaction of uterine muscles which in turn causes abdominal pain.

4. Increased tension of nervous system
Fat and protein are important for nourishing the cells in the nervous system. Low levels of vitamin B5 weakens the brain cell's function. This leads to symptoms of endometriosis such as anxiety, mood swings, and depression.

5. Increased risk of allergic reaction
Insufficient vitamin B5 in our body causes deficiency in co-enzyme A which is necessary for our body to react to sudden substances that enter our body, causing violently allergic reactions.

6. Acne
Fatty acid metabolism becomes less efficient and the individual is more prone to have acne.

7. Hormonal imbalance
Besides helping to reduce acne, vitamin B5 also interacts with other members of the vitamin B complex by increasing the function of the adrenal glands which is necessary to balance hormones and promote normal growth of the body.

Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look on the bright side.

I hope this information will help. If you need more information or insurance advice, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:

To read the series of endometriosis visit:

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